Saturday, December 29, 2007

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


BYe guys i will be away from 18 to 21 for camp, anything text and if impt call me ((: miss me K? Take care peeps

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Hmm, i have been rather busy recently, PLanning for the training camp, going for floorball trainings, working. arhh i am so dead beat man!! ROAR. and i have touch my holiday homewrk...OMG i am like so dead, but its ok, after the camp i think should be more relax, at least got one week to do, or slack..hahahah Adios, anything msg or call me k, i miss you people.((:

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Santa All i want for Christmas is you, cause with you i can have more than one present.. but i shant be greedy, i dont mind a adiZero tempo.

HAHA i am just joking (: Busy Busy Busy!!!

Sunday, December 02, 2007


Wow! This is the first time, i viewed the firework display in such a close distance, without much hinderence ((: First Anniversay of VIVO city! Rather busy this few weeks with trainings and HPT camp!! Everyone wrk hard ((:

Christmas Tree ((:

Pictures are the only thing that can keep memory. A picture speaks a thousand words. ((:

Friday, November 23, 2007

Pahang Trip

HI Peeps, i am finally back from the 5Day 4night, Pahang(Kuala Lipis) Trip. It was really an unforgettable and eye- opener trip. Although there were incident in which we are disappointed but oh well.. as what mr NG said : People, this is life, you got to accept it. Live it? or Leave it? Day 1 We were suppose to gather at Tanjong Pagar train station at 4.30pm. I rush my way there as i just finished my combine schoold trails.I was abit late but the train is leaving at 1815 so its ok. Yup.

Leaving by train

(Train Ticket!)

On our way there, it seems like a interminable journey, we played rubics cube, dai dee Uno. haha. Some of the pictures in the train

Zijie trying to win a came in Dai dee!!

haha Hmm finally we reached there at arounf 3.40am! wa super duber long la..haha Presenting Kuala lipis...

After which we check in to the centrepoint hotel which i thing the standard is pretty ok.. we gather in the conference room for a briefing on our room.

We check into our room, 723! haha then we were all hungry. Zhi lun tried calling for Room Service Lunz; hello! Room service?.... Got food? Reception: Sorry no food! Lmao la. you must be there to hear, damn funny!!

THis is the hotel interior!!

(the queen size bed which me and reagen GAYED together)

Zhi lun and Zijie bed where apparently Zijie have already pick his!

Their 3 Star Toilet..

hahah After we settled down, we slept on our bed, and when we where about to sleep, someone called.
:Hello, you have ordered one large pizza?
Lunz: One LARGE PIZZA!!!!
: *giggled (They actually wanted to said that will be 50 ringgat sir!) but the didnt and then he knwe it was a prank call from Raj gang.. Damn hilarious! hahah


THen we slept till about 0645, wake up, bathe and gather in the conference room. We were like doing pumping while waiting for the late comers, LOL so HPT style! haha then after breakfast we had ice breakers where group 3 and 4 merge to think of a group name and cheer. Group 3 was named beta and 4 Alpha, and together we're called High 5..opps no funny .. we are called Radiate!!!
Radiate OOi! ---- Alpha?
Radiate OOi! ---- Beta?
Radiate x3 ---- Oh, radiate, OKAY!(spastically)

haha That was our calling cheer, then i suggested we do this as our group cheer which i thought was rather impactful!

I say : Who's gonna win , gonna win, gonna win
" we gonna win, gonna win, gonna win" X2

Say Yo! "Yo!" Say Yeah! "Yeah!"
Say Yo baby Yo baby Yo! "Yo baby Yo baby Yo!'
Say Yeah baby yeah baby Yeah! "Yeah baby Yeah baby yeah!"
The countdown has just began, 5..4..3..2.1
Early morning late at night,
Radiate charges out to fight,
Fight together all for one,
Cause we will win the war this time!
Alpha will win the war, Beta will win the war, Radiate have won the war
One more time Alpha will win the war, Beta will win the war, Radiate have won the war Sup Sup ... SHHH!! * Brush right shoulder* hahah cool rite.

after which we had lunch and we are to plan for our visit to orang asli settlement. This is an settlement where the are very poor and lack basic sanitation!

Our instructor, SKY!!

We took a bus to the orang asli settlement and trek about 2km before we finally reached. This is an overview.

THe houses

The inside of the slightly richer house

The people

Playing with the kids

The girl whom i gave a pair of shoe to, beside her is Haffiz, one of the friend we made in Pahang

one of the villager chopping coconuts for us.. The coconut juice is really very refreshing

Lunz, Me, Haffiz, Zijie ,Reagen , Ahmad Raj, Syahid

At about 5 plus, we bit our goodbye, its rather sad that we have to leave casue i really felt that i can do something more to make their day, i tried my very best! Now i felt very fortunate to be living in singapore!! We headed back to the hotel, Bathe, And shop for some food for the night. HM after dinner we had debrief and sometime for campfire prep then we are off to bed. That night, we ate maggi noodles for supper, i got a flu and thanks to Zijie cold relief i felt better the next day! THanks ZiJIe Day 3 Woke up at about 7, bathe and check out of the hotel as we are proceeding to Kenong Rimba Park for the nest half of our trip. We have with us our friendlt tour guide: Mr Francis, who had thought us a lot of things ranging from survival skills to palm oil and the park itself.

Mr. Francis

Palm trees

THe Palm fruit

The inside of the fruit

Kenong Rimba Park

The cave which we are going sleep in


We had our lunch there and after we we set off for the jungle trekking which led us into a unforgettable journey!!

Before setting off; Jie, lunz, Me, Fiz


At 1.30 pm we set of for an adventure trekking. We basically climb instead of trek! Climb Climb Climb

Stoney Feature which we had to climb

ME!! somewhere high up.

We had to climb this 7m vertical cliff. It was ok, not long later at about 4 plus we reached the summit. Quite nice but the trees covered most of the feature. Just as we thought climbing up is tough, Climbing down was more dangerours and tedious. We had to climb down from where we came up from. It was still rather bright then when we we climbing down but that 7m cliff caught us off guard and soon day fall. The sky became dark and most of us do not have torch with us. Adding on was the rain the came as well. All these added up to the difficulty of clmbing down.It is became so dark that i cant even see my fingers when i put it right infron of me. Having my eyes open or close doesnt make a diff without any light. The rain made the soil muddy and slippery. There was apart where we literally had to slide down and with nothing to hold on to. I was ok at that time but when i thought i got a foot hold, the rock slip and i started to slide down. I was swearing an cursing cause i wsa inches away from falling down the 583m cliff!! Phew,, Thanks God i made it back.

ARHH! while sliding, My beloved track pants tore!! SAD!!! )): We reached the btm of the cliff at abpout 11.30 PM. 10hrs of trekking, we were all cold and hungry but our teammates keeps motivating one another.. ( ______ dont give up.. _____ dont give up ... haha and we sang one funny song.. ask me and i tell you. When i was down, i was afraid. Afraid of whether the others can make it back, Reagen's whole grp of 35 is still up there and the rain is getting heavier!! I was worried sick. Although i seems to argue with that Guai Lan Reagen often, but he have always been my great fren. One which i will never wanna lose. WE bathe and ate. It is already 1am and only 5 of reagen's group memebers are back. I am really worried. I prayed for him and the rest like Raj , Ahmad.. YUp..

I couldnt sleep. i wanted to go back to help but the instructors prevent us to. They told us to be back in our bunk to sleep. I couldnt take it anymore and MR. Ng came back asking for more torch, i saw the chance and hurried my way there with others to get the rest. NO long later i saw reagen, HA! thank god he is alive!! haha i prepared his stuff for him for bathing as i have bathe and he was soaked in mud! ( what i good fren i am ) hahah jking. all rescue came to and end at 4.30am and all went to sleep till 9 in th morning.


Woke up, wash up! and we were all set for white water rafting, The whole highlight of the trip. Group 1 and 2 went first while we waited. We did our campfire preparation meanwhile. Then two trucks came and fetched half of Radiate. It was 12.30pm then. We were told that truck will be coming at 1 and we were all very happy.But the time waiting time gets longer, and longer. Secs passed like mins, mins pass like hr. We waited and waited. It is already 2, but no sign of vehicle. We were devastated. Angry!! The rain follow suit and we in our heart know that we are not going to white water rafting...4pm not sigh of vehicle, Hopes dashed, sorrow... at about 4.30pm the truck came, telling us it was because of a breakdown that they came so late.. Oh well. by that time we know that white water rafthing was cancelled already. We thought that the first half of radiate who went out first got to try. But in the end, no one from radiate tried! I was fuming and really wanted to blast at the organiser for their poor planning!!.. but oh well this is life...

When we reached back to the hotel, we bathe and went for a very good dinner of steamboat!. The AFTERMATH

After dinner we had an indoor campfire cause of the rain. Campfire was fun!! sort of cool me down from the incident eariler...THis is what my group preformed!!

if you cant see or see clearly. go this URL

After campfire, it was already 12 plus and we have to leave for the train. Nothing much after that just the train and our HONEY Star!! i swear.. HONEY STARS are addictive!! haha Here i end my post. After all the trip was rather good if not for my group unable to even see the venue for the white water rafting. That is my only disappointment. ALL in all the trip was fun, Prank calling hotels room, acting as "Jack" in the campfire game,A lot funny jokes..((: I shall end my post with this.. RADIATE Family Photo!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Hi peeps out there, i leaving for a 5d4n camp at Kuala Lipis..In malaysia..haha dun miss me!! i miss you all.. Cliques, Love, Ni**er gang, 4g( where they ps me for cycling),Mel.Z, that naughty( 12am "date") haha, and many more.. ((: take care.. see you guys soon! Jia you

Sunday, November 11, 2007

FRk up

MY feeling now: FRK UP
I finally know how ******* felt back then, i didnt know it was that bad till now. HAHA ..thank god for letting me know i am likr before and i should really change for the better (:..At least we are on talking terms now! glad!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


YEsterday was a Blast. Our ever so wonderful physics teacher Treated us to :

OMG la, he is so generous.I felt bad only scoring a B for his physics! ); i will treat this a the motivation to do better for J2! YEah! HM Ate a lot of good Food. HEre are my classmates:

Holy Trinity(: Dre Jack Lunz

HE is the MAN! (mid) Mr NG Soo KOK (: <3

0712D ((:


Hmm.. this are the photos! haha Got individual de but all over haha! LAZY la
Oh ya! got back Results le:

hmm , thats all will update soon .Thursday will be 0712D bbq at genes' house and friday will be a friendly with Singapore American Sch! See ya(:

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


href=""> My Group FlaG!
My mix group!

Can you spot me?

Cheering with a smile! ((:

Who will win the war? 2 Compassion <3>

This are some of the pictures taken during the training and Adv Camp. Looking at it now, its not the same as it is years back? dun you agree. People do you have a heart? touch your heart. why must and will everything turns.... oh well. Actions speaks louder then words. Pictures reflects a thousand words ....