Friday, June 30, 2006

Hmmm..yesterday got student coucil investiture rehearsal till like 9 plus lol what the heck lo but i am ok with it la..hmm something bad happen at the end...i tried to cheer someone up(its a guy whom i cheer) hope he is today had O level chinese Oral...hmm..did ok i think but i stammer most of the time..oh well...OVer le jiu over le lo....
When things doesnt go you way,
dun lose hope,
press on.
When people put you down along your way,
dun lose sight,
stay focus.
(-___-!) Jack

Monday, June 26, 2006

School Starts long never blog le..felt like blogging today so i did...hmm didnt really much as i expected myself to do..Hai...i shall work hard..Hmm nothing much to blog about much abt..went to mr ng house last friday..have a fun time..cycled there with andre..hahah..Hmm school finally start le...i really must work hard le..Os are coming le...must work hard..YEs.. i WILL and I CAN..i must proof my new form TEACHER think i am slowly forgetting her??? i dunno..doubt myself sometimes hai...but studies is more impt..yeah!!! PEople dun need to worry abt me le hahah ..i am FINE..i dun mean fine as in 0.7 pen refill yup..LOL i getting lame..think should shop here...People Jia You !!! we can do it...

Sunday, June 18, 2006

I am back

GUys do you miss me??i am away for the camp that i feel so long didnt sleep 6hrs for 4 days rite??..starting the day was wednesday when we have our unofficial pre camp... lol we toned in macdonalds' all three matches of world cup that day...Spain trashed ukraine 4-0..then saudi and tunisa held a 2-2 draw...then comes the germany match...was rather excuting cause both teams were good that day..Poland should have won..but they lost their composure in last dying mins?? oh well..then i stole melissa mac points for a me kenneth xaiver and mengzhou walk back to sch from amk mac...then we prepare our full u...was hlilarious man...mengzhou called ms chong as she wanted the morning call...
MengZhou: Hello, Good morning!!!
Ms.Chong: Who you?
Us:LOl..lmao... he said so much then ms chong like blur blur ...hahah
Then the day started...nth much actually just lectures and lectures but we have our R.o.d damn funny sia..
Ci took out my rank then he ask why i no rank then i say:is you sir, you took it out..then he ask you sure...I said yes..he ask you really sure!..then i replied,and said..very sure i can proof it with the CCTV..wth..lmao..then mengzhou was pump for nothing then mz ask sir..explain why you pump me..he repiled..explain why mr brown show sia then Ci ask him to move on..he said: MOve on you si lang Tou ar..ahahah..the day move on,we were all tired, hands acheing cause long time never do pumping le....Night fall,then wen jie sir ask us to go and sleep and thats the only 6 hrs sleep we have...hahah.Li xian join us but left nextday morning..Hmm..then in the middle of the night..i woke up feeling very i go onto the floor and take out my pants...* look i have another one in it ...but xaiver thought i took off my pants and sleep..i pull it down to cover my feet..hahah..what a joke...then the day started...
Pt time..wa run 2.4..slow sia..12.27.. long time no run le..arh!! then went back for breakfast and arm drills..then have Air rifle for the last time cause ROD le...sad!!! We had our traditon for NCO camp is that day2 dinner is very good dinner..Mac, KfC, Pizza...then comes the long long night..prepared for practical test..and sec three's had their uniform inspection...CI never give face sia..shout really shout into their face and scold them...some almost cried..then after that abt 2.30 am they finish and they have their practical test!! All look sleepy le but the strive on till liek 7.30 am!! lol never sleep sia they all... hahah cool.. Oh ya..NCC people damn funny sia fire drill all sleeping the sec threes...hahah then sec four help them hahah..Hmm the cadets sleep frm 7.30 to 10..hmm nco prepared the test paper i slept a while..The sec three took the test and have their Area Cleaning..i must admit they really did a good i didnt punish them...Good rite..hmm.. last time take them le..sad sia...That time pop still in NPCC..then now hai..really over le..really sad break at 5 plus six when to bathe...Hmm then wait for ms chong..THen NCC again they forget to return the flags... want to thow in to ncc room ms chong saw and question them..waited again..then in the end they give to security guard..LOL..then canteen in a mess sia and NP room outside..All NCC things..they canteen my cadets clean so clean then they just leave the packet of leftover there and then never clean like wth lo...oh well i not trying to be bias here...yup..Sorry Melson..its not the Sec 4 fault..haha..hmm i think i shall end here..i think i slowly not missing her le ba..but i still do and you jnow what everytime i saw her i rmb all the things again..hais...Will time really heals,, but why are we like strangers now...(-___-)Jack

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I am gone

Hey guys get this out,
Cause Jack Ang is here to take you out,
I got the move, the groove, the attitude
I got the looks, the people, to be the best,
and i got a camp camp camp for the next few days,
so people out there,
JUst Miss me!!!!
Haha nice cheer Rite..i am so smart..peeps..MISS ME!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

What a day... was another slacking day...did nothing just play com and sleep...oh welll...i went to watch wrold come..holland against Serbia & Montenegro...the score ended 1-0 oh man holland should have done better..while i was super big..i swear its super big tree bark hit my head..ouch!!!! there was a loud sound and i thought it was a everyone in the coffeeshop was stun and i felt so nth more to add le..alvin is leavin the country... for malaysia tml for the insentive trip wish him all the best!! shall end here going for camp soon..PEOPLe its your turn to miss me..!!!

Friday, June 09, 2006

World Cup..

hmmm..World Cup is here..I think i would spend some times watching some of the matches ba..hope it does not catch fire! must be busy treating people with world cup fever??? i dunno..hmm i have been slacking for pass two weeks..i have homework undone..i got so worried for my future..i really dunno what i will be doing you know...seriously i sometimes just hate myself...i come home everyday...cant even have a peaceful time...My sister(young) one would start being irritating...and my parents arent supportive at all...they think that all those f9 and failure is all due to i keep playing and didnt study...but the truth is ireally dunno the subject..when i play floorball...they say what could this get you... wth..its my hobbie...i really love floorball alot...I really feel so frk tub...i hope i just get away from this kind of life...i really hope i could stay alone...enjoying peace and quiteness...what to do..i seems to lose everyting...i seem such a failure you know...My parents keeping Kping me for using comp and whatever you can think of..its like i am already 16..i know what i am doing...i am at least better then those who are wasting their think i never study... i spent time studying myt mid year..but i just cant get the desired result...whats is the world coming to...i really dunno...but i never give in...i would still perserve on..i never give up cause i am JACK..I really hope i will get in somewhere..AJC/ or SAJC...hmmm.. This home isnt a home just a place for me to sleep take care of my needs thats all..why youngster are closer to their friend rather then parents ..cuase they just dun take the initiative to know you better.. they always think that they are right..doent mean you are an adult you are always right..Haixz..No one Understands me truely...Last time i thought that caring for others is good..but i never know that over caring is that i know..I hope things could turn back...i really wish that you will be there by me...but i knew this would never happen, cause i think you hate me..I just wanna say sry if my concerns gave you pressure...Whatever is it..good luck for all those things you do and may you fins your ideal partner..i just hope one day you would understand..Stupid fu..Dont worry about me..i am fine i just wanna say out my heart feelings cause i really couldnt hold on anymore..i know you like me to forget her but you know its really hard for me..sry..i try my best,..Tears are blurring my vision and i think i just stop here.. i will not be a lazy,lousy, stupid jack..thats what you told me..(-,___-,)Jack

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Oh well...

Hmm...actually i was sleeping le then half way through suddenly wanted to block...theres so many things in my mind that give me fears...O levels are l1R5 is like 23...where can that bring me too..wth...sian...i dunno la..i did stuied maybe its just that i dunno how to apply my knowledge...hmmm....sobx.. then Msn got this dunno what block checker thing appearing...anyone knows how to get rid of it please tell me...sian think its a virus or a bug!! oh man...dun harm my computer....Sad...I dunno why i am still blogging ..its the heart that is telling me too...Arh!!!..i hate this feeling you know..oh well i just cant help it...just hope my computer doesnt spoils...go away you stupid spyware... know what i am glad to see people glad too..i dunno why it would end in such a tragedy..but i believe in miracle...yup...And i know that there is no point forcing or miuan qiang shi mei you xing fu de yup!....Wo zhi yao gan do ni quai le jiu gou le!!!(-___-!)Jack

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Steamy Boaty was rather or i should say very enjoyable...Morning went for my sister engagement... then went for remedial...THen after remedial was Steamboat...First meet Reagen in school--->then Meet fatson,stupid fu,janelle,yiling at amk @ 4..then on our way to marina bay...then joyce khoo came..Colin,elieen swee koon soon is cherlyn, zhenhui, kelly..then andrew,wei quan, gary...follow by valarie and jewel..lastly pin wen,shu hui and kayjoo came..was already like 5.35?? hmm then while waiting for bus, fei fei and jin shi caught up with us..yup...then went to zhenfa to eat...liting came later..and so is kai ling, denise(she bluff me say not comeing le) idoit her, sin hui, Yazid shannon...we tooks lots of photos..hmm these is also they very last time we ever see gary, fatson and yazid with their hair on..hahahahha..okok i am sadist i think...hahah..i will have my time soon 4 years??? hahah..Photos are the things that keeps memories forever .....(-___-!) Jack

Saturday, June 03, 2006


Hmm..went for Razzamatazz yeaturday..wasnt a very nice concert but was quite ok la..but 15 bucks is just too went out with the gay dale...we have been gaying together for few days..from taking of council till now..we are forever gaying..dunno whats his matter maybe he just love me too much la..i do also..yee i sound so gay lol!!!! Hm then we walk around bishan at 3 i was late again ..SoreAh! We were there at 3 when the concert is at 7.30 la...We were two both very sian at home did nth mush then went to Hdb hub..called Fatling and Denise..then came and denise requested for flower then we two gay partner when to get some for her..and this let to a series of first chunfu bought for the chior peeps i bought for the band peeps then.. we end up buying for more people...for more read stupid fu blog..he got rite i lasy to type... then thats my day le ba...then today nth just sleep, eat, watch tv, play computer seems to be so boring to me..i dun really care abt her le...i think i am lying la yup..i tink i still do care.. we been through quite abit of things and these things proof to be memorable for me and now i cant get her out of my mind..I noe she is a good girl la..but i dunno why she treats me like that..maybe her heart is a no. lock one and my key doesnt work on her..i think so..hai.. its sadding ou know sometimes to see that you put in so much effort and time on something and the other party take it for waiting then people doent turn up...10 hr i waited that time..i think i am a moron..but things have pass i think i shall let it pass too point forcing people to do things that they do not want to do..hope she realise one day ba..yup..God has create this and i think is for a purpose ..maybe a test for me but these is surly a tough test!!! haha.. Everytime i wan to make a decision but every tiem when i see her i jiust cant bare or stick to my decision...i am not usually like that the lo..i am someone who will stand up for what is right so what if you are higher rank or what..people do make mistake.. oh well i dunno why i type in all these crap but ya..i got nthing to do so decided to type more today..People are there for a certian reason. have you ever wander why are you on these earth...actually i also dunno mine..maybe they sent me here so that they have more handsome guys?? i dunno lol...hmm.. I think time will tell ba..I am still waiting for a day where miracle do happen...Mei yi chi he ni fen kai.. shen shen de bei ni da bai..(-___-!) Jack

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Loop holes

People know what i think that there are loop holes in the event cause no one actually saw her diposing the card away...i shall go with my hart then i think the she never throw it away either..but the truthis only she herslf knows it ba...yup i shant care so much anymore...i wan to concentrate on my o level now...Hope everyone could be happy and live their live to the fullet and do not have regrets in their lifes ya!!!!Take care peeps..(-___-!)Jack