Wednesday, October 31, 2007


href=""> My Group FlaG!
My mix group!

Can you spot me?

Cheering with a smile! ((:

Who will win the war? 2 Compassion <3>

This are some of the pictures taken during the training and Adv Camp. Looking at it now, its not the same as it is years back? dun you agree. People do you have a heart? touch your heart. why must and will everything turns.... oh well. Actions speaks louder then words. Pictures reflects a thousand words ....

Sunday, October 28, 2007

What an endign

Hmm. Friendship game was not really gd after all, we Won 17-11, although we played at a disadvantage of 4 on 5, we shouldnt have let in so many goals. Dun you guys agree as the sports school people are completely new to the sport!, OMg. its time for some reflection and i think its because i am not that capable to lead the team! time for some reflection and get my skill upgraded, Sch "offically" ended, but monday have A level Chinese and tuesday got oral presentation, YEah Pw is finally coming to an End. like seriously ending, it sure took alot of our time and brain cell to think of ideas eversince PI, receiving words like Vague was our greatest fear and now in 3 days time, Its gone.. Today had HPT dinner, it is to reward for what we have scarifice to to run this camp. Seriously speaking, Without HPT, i dun think i will be who i am today, It really changed my life, it thought me how to think, how to be a leader and life long skills, Nothing is created just like That(click of the fingers), it takes time and effort a slowly built up. It will definitely face hardship during the pioneer years, but we have proven to have succeeded. How long more can we succeed, only time will tell. Camp chief...(A. Chief, logs, ops) who will be game for this challenge?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mid way

JUst finished watching the X family, was rather disappointed wi th the ending ya... Nth much,having friendship game with sports sch today, lets hope for good results!! haha.. hungry. but going to sleep YawN!..nites ppl.. you all are being mISS by JAck

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Finally. i am back from camp!! haha 5-6 days of camp really tired me out.. I slept for 18Hrs.. i seldom sleep so much... haha.. aCool..

Sunday 14/10:Went to pinwen house to ton, not really ton but everyone caught a wink! yup wanted to watch mean girls but the movie doesnt seems to load. haha then pinwen show us saw2 which he thinks is sick, but we ended up laughing haha.. oh god we are sick!! haha.. hm then sleep for like 3 hrs which i didnt really sleep, just close eyes nia, then wake up... went to sch an start training camp.

Monday 15/10: started training camp, 3 ppl were late, two of which was frm my group, sobs, then they had test, then went over to Jalan Baterah, had belay sch!!..taught my group basic belay! hmm then had high e and kayaking. stay at high e for 3 hrs, yup.then had dinner then cheering after that. lasted for 5 hrs, then had AAr. purpose of AAR, to reflect on the day activity, and find out what went right and wrong, and improve the next day. The most impt activity.. then sleep..

Tuesday 16/10: hmm then moring was rafting. went to hide the barrels and ropes. Funny thing is that our barrels got stolen and we actually stole t back again... haha that was fun! haha then after was lunch, then was assignned to rats which we run only for like 1and half hr. then had dinner then was take over by sec 3...thne some grads stayed over.. which i think was fun although what we did was sleep.. never had this b4..

Wednesday 17/10: went to sch in the morning, settle some PW stuff and was off again to camp. Take MRt to cck then take 975 from the central bus stop B then around 1hr we reached, then eat and went over to take over 2c. saw some familar faces! and some unfamiliar ones, haha. at first really thought was a hard class to handle cause got some wasnt participative, but nonetheless, i pick myself up and try to moved them which i did. went for night work in the evening haha. some was scared some found it boring, but i find it tiring cause i walk twice,, and i told them some ghost stories, they are true i htnk by the way!..then nth much le.. After which had AAr and slept from 3 hrs.

Thursday 18/10: Happy birthday ANdre, Amanda and Wee hong !! haha . was suppose to go to school but i wanted to bring up the morale of 2C so i didnt went, at first was high e morale was about the same. hmm then went rats which i think the class got better!! really happy that everyone enjoyed!! haha i am glad, i got splashed and mudded haha but i am very sporting!! haha then went kayaking, pair up with crsytal cause she cant paddle alone. hm had fun. then lunch, sad that rafting was cancel..then the class did camp fire prep, thought them one cheer which i think everyone enjoyed!! haha. THen went flying fox and abselling when i think everyone went up. EVEN that like clean Chalista?? yup haha.. i managed to propaganda her..haha PRo Jack.. hm then i sort of abondon my class cause i need to do the campfire IC stuff..was rather sad to abondon them but they did me proud in the end..LOVE YOu GUYS.. ((: then i think Campfire was okay.. i was dissapointed cause i didnt help and do ...Sorry yanyi and chun kiat.. YOu guys were great.. then AAR was fast and everyone feast!! haha ((:

Friday19/10: Had mock test so went back school. was ratehr late, mock test think will flung cause i slept most of it..haha. sad that i cant be there for 2c which they ended up sort of 4th..)): sorry...but you guys are already the champion class in my heart.. you guys were awesome i swear. THen home and sleep from 1600hr. to 1000hr the next day..

Saturday 20/10: nth much . watched the x family and updated face book..woo that thing is rather guys should join!! haha.. hm then went dinner with N*gger to botak jones. sort of first time there and really ate to my heart content!! ((: i am here blogging.. And just to let you guys know i took up the plan. my aim is for the students, yes we have train gd leaders, we cant expect all to be back, but if you are we are really grateful that you contributed!! ((: like what trainer say, when we do things, what is our motive, is it for the students or for ourself!! hmm i thought about it and its for the students, no matter what the orgainsation had become, we should not deprive other students from nurturing while we still can!! yeah! hope everthing will turn out fine..and dear trainer!! we will miss you.. You made an impact in my life and i am very grateful.. With pride we lead, with Humility we serveD..((; memories that last a lifetime..when was the last time you did something good>> think abt it..its time if you haven!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007


YEah, i finally read finished my fish philosophy which i think was rather fast, cause i kind of enjoy the book. IN summary, THe book have 4 main pts, "PLAY", "BE THERE", "MAKE THEIR DAY, and " Choose your attitude". THis FISH can be implemented to anything you do be in study, work or anything. LEt me give you an example like going to sch? some may find it draggy? tired? lazy? to go to sch but it all depends on how you look at it. YOu can see going to sch as a game, somewhere where you can play? yeah? like pokemon, you go to sch to gain knowledge while they gain lvl la. hahah. THen be there, cna be playing attention in class, respect the lecturers, being htere also help you to learn more as you are more focused! then make their day, You can do think to your friend and your friend can do the same thing. MAybe some words of encouragement for each other to spur each other up? or making them happy so they look forward to coming to sch? lastly the most impt one is to choose your attitude. if you choose a negative one, you will never find yourself happy going to sch cause you already register a metally into your head. likewise if you choose a positive attitude, you will feel different. Try it. get cracking and you soon find yourself more lighthearted going to sch...((: Basically this wraps up the whole content of the book, teaching individuals to use this to help them efficiently in their work or sch....

SO guys think about it, it really works and actually i foudn that HPT is somehow the same. we work on this very FISH.but sadly to say......oh well lets not rake anything up.

Going to be in camp for 5 days but will need to go to sch to attend lessons..quite tiring but with choosing the right attitude. i am sure i can make it.. lets hope tml will be better. thats all i have to say for now ..(:


Friday, October 12, 2007

What a day

Hmm this few days, nothing much happened, just sch and HPT. Cause trainign camp is coming up ... YUpp.. will update soon adn share something on FISH philosphy..((:

Monday, October 08, 2007

Two sides

People. wilson is correct, there is an happy face and a sad face, it all depends on how you look at the pictures. Applying this to real life situation. There is always two sides to a coin, two sides to a situation. People always have the tendency to judge things on their first glance. Thats why misuderstanding occur. Just like the picture, if i look at first, the first thing that appear is a sad face, automatically the brain will tell you its sad, but as you look closer and turn it around, its a happy face. thus there is two learning point to this picture, one is first impression is always very impt and dun not judge a book by its cover. ITs that simple yet many fail to do so. OFten wehn people see, the automatically ASSUME. haha then sure enough they will make an ASS out of u and me.. Nevertheless, its human nature to be selfish and bias, THe heart is not in the CENTRE. hmmm. this week was quite boring till the weekend when we dry run training camp. it shorten to two days instead of 4 which i feel its a pity but nonetheless, we will make the best out of it. ((: lookinf forward to the camp. I watch I Pay it forward today, was really an inspiring and heart-warming story, you guys should go watch it. how good will it be if that thing of PAy it forward really works. Its rather boring to go to sch nowadays.. hmm. People, try to help others whenever possible cuase you never know when you will need their help. Newton 3rd law states that for every action there will be an equal but opposite reaction. THus when you help others. others will help you back..GIve it a thought.. ((: (-___-!) Jack

Sunday, October 07, 2007

STARE HARD AT THE PIcture what do you see?.....
I'll come back to say more abou this....

Thursday, October 04, 2007


FINISHER OF INNOVA JC MID-COURSE 2007 with a timing of..... well this marks an end to all my mugging for the time being..seriously speaking its really tough past few weeks or days, stuck at home for 4 days, just waking up and books.. Oh MY .... sound terrible for a sunshine boy like me.. look its sunshine.. no GARDIENA, LMao.. Hmm i think i tried my best, in all papers except for MATHs oh well... ((: ok away from studies, MEt up clique ala chunfu kaling and reagen, we went to this MA LA steamboat shop without asking the price, we were happy eatting thier DA La = EXTEMELY hot... but i beg to differ, its bitter.. and after the bill came $65.94, WTF, 3 persom 65, so one person... you do the math..OK we were SCAM!!! then reagen came and we went to the Tong sui shop for our dessert...then we walk and talked to somerset MRT..doing what we do best!.. its amazing how we clique, seriously..hmm then i found..actually not i but Da'yl told me this web..i went in.. i was llikee WOW..wait its not porn! lol .. in it there is alot of movies, new and yet to release one too.. watched Mr.woodcock, and balls of fury both are ok,, lucky i didnt spent monet watching them.. ((: then today went out with aNdrE.. to queewstown to get his david beckaham shoe.. hmm then went douby to but someone's present. then i am back here.. A lot of adventure awaits for me..PAhang trip, HOT training + adv camp, i am so excited.. will update more now.. (-___-!)