Saturday, November 22, 2008


TWO interminable years have finally ended, all those anxieties, stress, anger, tears, sweat... ... are all over. YES! finally i can be old self, as optimistic as ever. JC life is really one of the most tortouous route i ever taken in my entire 12 years of education. Never in my life have i felt so depressed and stress up. But lookng back at it now, i felt so relieved and so happy that i managed to pull it through, It wouldnt be possible if without my friends, who never fail to cheer me up whenever i was down, thank god for you guys. (: i dunno what i will be doing for the rest of my life, but at least for now, i think i should give myself a deserving break for all those happiness i have lost during JC life. i blog more often. Till then ((: IT's PARTY TIME! (: