Monday, September 22, 2008

Human nature

Its amazing how humans care about only themselves and not about others.
You would not be here if not for your father and your mother.
but yet when they grow old, they get thrown around like some kind of toy.
everyone procrastinate that "someone" will take care of them. In the end, they are nowhere to be found.
When their parents ascend, the rich will fight all over for inheritance, making grand funerals to showcase their social "class". How willing and how much they actually "care" about their parents. Come to think of it, why dun treat them good and take care of them when they are around. Why WAIT till they are no longer in this world, then start swearing and cursing, cry like there is no tml. WHY? Why ill-treat them, shift responsibility to take care of them.

Put yourself into their shoes, imagine when you were born, your parents shift their responsibility to take care of you. throw you around, DO you like the feeling? we are all humans, we need care, concern and love. How much can an elderly cost you? They actually demand very little, so long you care and love them. they are happy enough already. so people out there, stop shifting your responsibility, have the courage to take up this role, do not throw them around like how you throw your tissue papers. Act now before its too late. Filial piety is not for show, but it shall be uphold!

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