Saturday, July 10, 2010


Start of duty month.

actually i think we are now all numb by duties. we will just do and suck thumb. actually there's nothing bad about doing duty cause you are basically living in your own world. haha.

like every other saturday, its NDP!! whoo. today was a rather short one as the p5 kids bus jammed up the city march route so we dont need to form up. what makes today so funny was the they actually took the TRS to call my hp

TRS: Is this 3rd sgt jack?
Me: ehmmm, uhmm ya?
Me: SMLJ?(never say out). ok.
Me: think hard. wa. SHOCK.its the recall codename.
Me; call ISAIAH.
ISAIAH: LOL. its shawn who called you using the TRS. LOl.
Me: !@#$%^&*() LOL. hahha.

Frking epic man. ((:
end of daY

Song of the day. 听 海

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