Monday, April 08, 2013

The last dance

Finally closing the chapter on dance, never thought i could dance, never thought i would i have taken up the idea to dance, and never thought would I be performing on stage. I am rather surprise with myself i must say. Ha!

These two months have been very hard for me, all those internal struggles, jealously, hatred, agony, sadness and heart smashed and broken into a million pieces after knowing all those intimate things you did with him. Whenever I think about it, my heart just stings a bit. But i guess, i might have just love you too much to hate you. Because i truly care for you, your mistake never change my feelings, it is the mind that gets angry but the heart still cares you see. Thank you for the last dance, the last kiss at the dance studio. I gave you an ultimatum, you know it yourself and you need to get those things sort out before anything would move forward. I promise you i will be here for you.

Stay strong my love, you need to stop avoiding. It will not solve anything and at the end of the day you know the problem will still be there. Step into the unknown, venture out and learn. When you have sort of your stuff and you are sure I am the one for you, I will be glad to be with you because thats when I know you are what I am looking for.

This two months have been tough and if not for your word the other day, i might not have realise certain stuff. Thank you for making me grow, i am happy to be your pride and joy. Be strong cause you need to for this self discovery phrase of yours, I can only give and help you so much. The rest is up to you. I have give in my best for this relationship and now it all depends on how much are you willing to put in and work hard for both of us. Will you look back 20years later and have no regrets? It time to take charge of your life and start loving yourself like what you taught me to! ((; I am proud of you too. ((:

Love you R,


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