Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Rich Vs The Poor

Sometimes I really envious those kids that are born into rich family. They have the luxury of everything. Fresh milk, piano lessons, sit in cars, wear nice clothes. Though these may be superficial but then again, they never have to worry about money. Although their parents might be reluctant to give them the money, but when it comes to stuff like overseas programme etc, when large sum of money is involve, parents will be more than willing and are able to support them. You may ask why am i so concern, its about making the best out of your situation. 

Recently I got accepted for summer sch, but the large sum involve will only brings more burden to the family. So I decided to give it a miss, decided to save up and go on a grad trip. Afterall my purpose of going there is not really to study but to experience the life there, but then again, i guess its a trade off. I rather work hard myself than to source for money here and there and end up having to worry about it when i am there.
Actually I am glad in a way that I was not born into a rich family, because it got me to understand the true value of money and it does not come easy. I guess this will be motivation I have with me and that is to work hard for myself and my family, I also do not want my children to suffer the same fate as me. Yes, i will make sure they learn that money is not easy but at the same time i do not want that because of money, their life is impeded. I can support them first, while they pay me back later. So right now, I will just have to work twice as hard. 

Stay Strong, Jack, you can do this.

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